Shohin Bonsai exhibition took place in Kyoto in January.
If you want
to improve your Bonsai skill, I recommend you to go to exhibition and
look really high quality trees. Here at Kouka-en, we don’t have a lot of
Shohin Bonsai nor don’t display those. Shohin Bonsai is brand new for me, so I was looking forward to seeing it.


When I entered the place, I saw many display booths and trees were
displayed beautifully on the shelf in each booths. I guess everybody
would think “ Lovely! ”. The small trees radiated infinite fascination.
There are some rules of Shohin display:
- Different species and style
- Different shape and color of pot
- Color of fruit and pot shouldn’t be the same
- Each tree shouldn’t be the same height ( Use display stand, so you can change the height)
- 異なる樹種・樹形
- 異なる鉢の形・色
- 実と鉢の色が同じにならないようにする
- 樹高の高さが同じにならないようする(→卓を使って高さを変えることで解消できる)
After knowing those rules, you would be very impressed by harmony of tree,
accent plant and
display stand. As Shohin Bonsai is totally designed whole harmony, I think Shohin Bonsai is “This is Bonsai.” I
imagine that the owner would think “the pot is good on the tree. I
should put the tree here rather than over there.” After imagining so, I
admire those trees sincerely and tree looks lovelier.
樹の幹や枝ぶりだけを鑑賞するのと違い、鉢・卓・飾りを包括的にデザインする小品盆栽は「This is Bonsai.」だと思いました。この日の為にオーナーさん達は、この樹にはこの鉢が似合うかなとか、この樹はこの位置の方がいいかなと色々と考えられたことでしょう。それを思うと尚更、愛おしく立派に思えてなりません。
I heard that many people give up big size of Bonsai and start small
size. I think the one of the reason is Shohin pot. Since there are so
many colorful, painting, unique Shohin pot, it stands to reason. And I’m
one of the people who are really into pot. Of course, people want to
display their favorite tree with great pot.
Shohin pot artist contest
I think the best advantage of Gafu-ten is to see pot artist.
It was awesome to see all those pot artists which I only knew from their seals and stamps. Finally, I met Haruyoshi and Juko in person. They were sincere and clement that’s why I
think their pots are high quality and trusted. A lot of people were
curious and looked at Juko’s demonstration.
Juko's demonstration
Nowadays, Shohin Bonsai is popular in Japan. I could see from a lot of
numbers of display, many shops, and guests at Gafu-ten. It motivated me
to start Shohin display.
( PR ) Kokufu-ten which is the highest level of Bonsai exhibition in Japan take place in Tokyo from Feb.5th to 13th. Please come and see it.